Medal of Honor: Warfighter never gets near the “authenticity” it promised pre-release, but it has plenty to say about soldiers, and about war, and all of it is hateful. Instead ee should criticise a game for the messages it communicates while we play. It can be unfair to criticise a videogame for failing to live up to its marketing, when developers so rarely control their own. #8: A lot of types of beard make you look like a bell-end. Your wife and child should probably just learn to accept both that and your inevitable death.

#7: It is totally justifiable to repeatedly abandon your wife and child to go fight in a war.

#6: War is super-fun, and is a passion for some people, kind of like water skiing or samba dancing. #5: Tier One operators are total badasses and can kill hundreds of people on their own. #4: Bullets won't kill you if you're in the middle of a melee attack animation. #3: If you run far enough ahead of your squad, you might see the moment your enemies blink into existence. #2: A soldier's sidearm, whether a pistol or a machinegun, has infinite ammo. Things I have learned about war from the wholly authentic Medal of Honor: Warfighter: #1: Door opening privileges are granted with seniority.